Showing posts with label uncertainty with doctors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label uncertainty with doctors. Show all posts

uncertainty with doctors

Your Decision, Not Your Doctor's - ReadNews

In years gone by, doctors were regarded as gods. They knew all, were not to be questioned and patients should obey unquestioningly. Those da...

New Research Says - ReadNews

How many times when you are talking to your doctor have you heard them say 'new research says...' or 'recent studies have shown....

What An Oncologist Should Not Say to a Cancer Patient - ReadNews

We hear all about good doctors and not so good ones. But every so often we hear about the one's you really do not want. Yesterday someon...

The Bigger Problem Than Lack of New Cancer Treatments - ReadNews

I constantly read articles on the advent of new cancer treatments. I think they are wonderful. But they are not always instituted. In 2014, ...

I See Potential - ReadNews

I finally met with my new pain management doctor. I liked him. He actually read my whole file (or at least the most recent relevant parts - ...

The Wrong Doctor - ReadNews

Synopsis of a very sad story : A man with horrible pain issues was cut off of pain meds by his doctor and as a result took his own life. The...

Doctors Should Speak Clearly - ReadNews

I really dislike a lot of doctor speak. They say things like 'with your medical history we need to be sure' or 'that really need...