Showing posts with label medical crap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label medical crap. Show all posts

medical crap

Well, Crapola! - ReadNews

A few weeks ago, I posted about what my pain medication may hide, yesterday I found the truth. Call me slow about some things but I had to ...

Taking Charge of My Medical Crap - Again - ReadNews

I try to be in charge of my medical care. I really do. I take notes at appointments and I write little notes to myself in my calendar on thi...

Stepping Back to the Big Picture - ReadNews

Sometimes I just need the big picture and skip the details. Yesterday I saw my knee doctor. I asked him to update his notes on my appointmen...

Thoughts on Not Blogging - ReadNews

I get up every day and say to myself 'I am going to blog this morning before I do anything else'. As you can tell this hasn't be...

I Need to Stop Reading Medical News - ReadNews

I usually like to read the latest medical news. Mostly because I have a lot of medical crap going on. I like to see what is going for advanc...

Sleep Deprived - ReadNews

I have had this 'dumb a$$' CPAP machine for 12 days now. I hate it. I hate the little mask over my nose that squishes it even though...

Pre and Post Cancer - ReadNews

There is a picture of me around here from back when we were dating. My then boyfriend-now-husband asked me for a framed photo for an occasio...