Showing posts with label fatigue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fatigue. Show all posts


I Travel In Elite Circles - ReadNews

Well I don't travel actually. But Lady Gaga of all people and I have something in common.We both have fibromyalgia. Her fibro is bad eno...

Houston, We Have A Problem - ReadNews

I stole that line from the episode of Brother Vs. Brother that I am watching as I type. I cannot believe how much I have been sleeping. We h...

Managing Fatigue - ReadNews

Do you remember how tired you felt during chemo and at the end of radiation? That's how tired I feel every day. As a result, my new word...

This is How Tired I Am - ReadNews

This morning I slept through my husband's alarm. I heard him shower and thought he was a taking a late night shower before bed. I did ge...

I Need A Nap - ReadNews

I am so tired these days. I haven't been getting enough sleep. I have been doing too much. Now that is not new but we did go away for th...

Once Again I Wasn't The Patient - ReadNews

And it was nice. I went to visit my brother for the weekend. And didn't really see him. He had a kidney stone (and a lot nastier word to...

Cost of Exertion - ReadNews

I read an article over at Rheumatoid Arthritis.Ne t on the cost of exertion . What is the cost of exertion you ask? Basically, if you run a ...