Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts


Exercise, or Reducing AI's Side Effects - ReadNews

All of us 'lucky' people with hormone positive breast cancer, get the 'benefit' of being able to take hormone therapy or aro...

Changes I Can Make - ReadNews

My therapist asked me an interesting question the other day - do I eat specific items that could help with my fibromyalgia? I actually thoug...

Finally Some Good News - ReadNews

You can balance out the damage of drinking by exercising. Doesn't this sound too good to be true? It does, and its also true. New resear...

Exercise for Memory???? Or Cancer Causes Stress. - ReadNews

A new study (because we all new more studies) says that exercise can boost memory for breast cancer patients . What? I exercise and my memor...