Showing posts with label breast cancer treatment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label breast cancer treatment. Show all posts

breast cancer treatment

Tumor Size Doesn't Matter - ReadNews

All cancer tumors start small and end up bigger. This is logic that is clear as day.  Tumors don't show up 3 cm across out of nowhere. A...

New Research Which Could Have More Thought - ReadNews

There is always more research going on - especially cancer research. Especially breast cancer research. I swear sometimes the world is full ...

Your Decision, Not Your Doctor's - ReadNews

In years gone by, doctors were regarded as gods. They knew all, were not to be questioned and patients should obey unquestioningly. Those da...

Oncology Anxiety - ReadNews

It doesn't matter how many years out it is but a visit to the oncologist always is uncomfortable. Its unsettling. Its alarming. Its dist...

Breast Cancer Treatment Benefits - ReadNews

Recently it was announced in a draft proposal that the UK's NHS would not cover faslodex to treat estrogen positive metastatic breast ca...

How Soon To Start Treatment? - ReadNews

I never realized how important starting cancer treatment quickly was. I remember my surgeon telling me at one point I had plenty of time to ...

Another 'Oops, We Forgot To Tell You This' - ReadNews

Another little bitty oopsie. Many women after a mastectomy for breast cancer get implants to make them more even again. Then there are the h...