Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts


I Am A Klutz - ReadNews

Today I was at an event where I might have fallen a tiny bit. I must say I am not completely unfamiliar with the room because I was in that ...

I Keep Forgetting To Blog - ReadNews

I mean to. It really helps me cope with life. I will say the road to hell is paved with good intentions.... so maybe I am on the way to hell...

Losing Track of Time - ReadNews

I haven't worked really in a year and a half. I have no reason to watch the clock very much - except for doctor appointments. I never lo...

Thoughts on Not Blogging - ReadNews

I get up every day and say to myself 'I am going to blog this morning before I do anything else'. As you can tell this hasn't be...

Why I Don't Blog About Breast Cancer As Much Any More - ReadNews

I have been pondering this one for a long time, years. I used to blog about my breast cancer crap (and if it's cancer, it is crap) all t...

Not Blogging Equals Stress - ReadNews

As I also previously blogged, I haven't been blogging as much recently. And I have been feeling very stressed, and depressed recently. I...

I Haven't Been Blogging - ReadNews

I haven't been blogging recently and I haven't figured out why. Well I do have some thoughts on the subject. Originally I started th...