Showing posts with label being a patient. Show all posts
Showing posts with label being a patient. Show all posts

being a patient

Recuperating (Or Being A Bad Patient) - ReadNews

I am recuperating from my surgery. It has been 8 days now. I am starting to get to the annoyed stage. The seriously annoyed stage. First of ...

Trapped At Home - ReadNews

I haven't been so trapped at home since chemo. Then I was too sick to care that I spent my life inside watching TV, hanging out with the...

Reminder What Not To Say To Breast Cancer People - ReadNews

As part of the universal pinkification of October, Good Housekeeping magazine has a section on breast cancer (who knew?). But one thing they...

Off To My Primary Care - ReadNews

This morning I go off to my primary care for my annual physical. Although there are lingering thoughts of 'what if she finds something b...

Your Decision, Not Your Doctor's - ReadNews

In years gone by, doctors were regarded as gods. They knew all, were not to be questioned and patients should obey unquestioningly. Those da...

Narrow Mindedness - ReadNews

I realize that a lot of academia, where medical research often happens, primarily uses Apple computers - desktops, iPads, and iPhones. Howev...

Surviving Life With Ailments - ReadNews

What is the best way to survive ailments? First of all, one step at a time. And take as many breaks as possible to have fun. That is what I ...