Showing posts with label MRI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MRI. Show all posts


Yes I Do Have Back Pain In The Middle of My Back - ReadNews

Yesterday I went back to my pain management nurse practitioner yesterday. I felt like it was pulling teeth to get her to admit that there mi...

Pain Management - ReadNews

There is a lot of information on pain management. I even have a pain management doctor. But what constitutes pain management? I have several...

The Political Season - ReadNews

We are far into the political season. I am just happy it will end in six or seven weeks. I don't know how soon it is and I don't rea...

Not A Good Week Ahead - ReadNews

This coming week is going to be long, stressful, and sleep deprived. I don't know what I was thinking but I think the real answer is I w...

More Needles???? - ReadNews

I hate needles. I really hate needles. If a needle is near me I can't look. If a needle is near anyone else, I leave the room. (Actually...