Showing posts with label Breast Cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breast Cancer. Show all posts

Breast Cancer

New Research Which Could Have More Thought - ReadNews

There is always more research going on - especially cancer research. Especially breast cancer research. I swear sometimes the world is full ...

Being Breast Cancer Savvy - ReadNews

Buried in another article based on a woman doctor's problems getting screened for breast cancer by the UK's NHS, are three rules on ...

Mammograms Under or Over Diagnosis? - ReadNews

There has been a long debate, since mammograms were put into use in the early 1980s, if they over or under diagnose breast cancer. Now someo...

How Long Are You On the 'Hook' For A Recurrence? - ReadNews

After cancer, we always wonder 'will it come back?' Actually, we don't just wonder, we obsess over this. For a long time, we thi...

No Tofu for Me! - ReadNews

I hate tofu. I have never been a fan. And now I have reasons for not starting to eat it. There has been a lot of discussion on whether soy i...

We Can't Be Mad About Our Cancers (Ailments) - ReadNews

I read someone's blog post or article about someone else who died so mad about her cancer. This is wrong. I can tell you from personal e...

Every One's Cancer Is Different - ReadNews

I now know many women, dozens, probably more like hundreds, who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Sadly not all are still with us. The...